Monthly Summary – August

Here’s a run down of Kye’s life in August: Preparing for Blitzen: I LOVE that we decided to have our children this far apart, there are so many advantages to the age difference and one…

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27 Weeks Pregnant

Another week already?!? I swear Labor Day totally made this week fly by! Baby Growth: Right now Blitzen is weighing about the same as a head of cauliflower – about 2 lb and is 14…

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30th Anniversary Party

A couple months ago Courtney and Casey approached me about the three of us putting together a party to celebrate Mr. Rusty and Mrs. Charlotte’s 30th wedding anniversary. I know that typically people make a…

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Kye’s First Day of Preschool!

As promised, a MUCH more adorable happy post to start off this week ๐Ÿ™‚ Zach and I decided to start Kye in preschool this fall for many reasons. The main one being we knew we’d…

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26 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been alllll about Blitzen! I’m sorry it’s been a boring blog week, I promise I have lots of cute pictures of Kye coming up for my posts next week AND I’m hoping…

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