26 Weeks Pregnant

This week has been alllll about Blitzen! I’m sorry it’s been a boring blog week, I promise I have lots of cute pictures of Kye coming up for my posts next week AND I’m hoping…

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25 Week OBGYN Visit

Since my appointment Monday here’s how the spotting patrol broke down: spotted mostly brown multiple times Monday, pink spotting Tues morning (with a call to the dr…they said since I was coming in today to…

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Zach’s 27th Birthday: Part 2

Saturday (August 6th) I got up with Kye and let Zach sleep and together Kye and I went and picked up Chick-Fil-A for breakfast. Kye was PUMPED about the whole thing because we’ve never gotten…

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Scary Morning

I had a tough time falling asleep last night because my mind kept wandering back to my dream the night before. I laid in bed just feeling Blitzen move and enjoyed putting my hand on…

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Vivid Nightmares

One of my earliest memories as a child is a nightmare. I’m inside a huge toy store, over-filled with stuffed animals (yes, I was “that girl” who slept with a 1,000 stuffed animals surrounding me…

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