Zach’s 27th Birthday: Part 1

Zach’s birthday kinda crept up on all of us this year. I usually am done shopping for him in July but I had barely even started in July this year…even Zach didn’t know what to…

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Do you have a Primary Care Physician???

For as long as I can remember anytime a form asked for my “primary care physician” I’ve always put my OBGYN. I am very good about going to my yearly check-ups and thought I was…

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Kye’s First Time Bowling

It probably is not a big shocker that I’m not very into bowling. I can probably count the number of times I’ve been bowling on one hand! When I have gone bowling I’m great at…

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Casey’s Proposal Story

I knew if I wrote my version of Casey and Jordan’s proposal that it would get her to write hers and here it is ๐Ÿ™‚  Anyone who has been close to me in the last…

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24 Weeks Pregnant

Sorry this is so late…it’s been a long day! More to come below on what’s up! Baby Growth: Blitzen has gained about 4 ounces this week (which is ironic to me…you’ll see why when you…

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