23 Weeks Pregnant

Supposedly I’ve hit the 6 month mark? But doesn’t 24 weeks equal six months? So wouldn’t it be next week??? Baby Growth: This week Blitzen weighs in at a little over a pound and is…

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Bublitz Family Visit

The craziness only continued the day after we went to the aquarium! We got up early again but this time to head home. Robyn and Lorelai were going up to visit her sister (Matt was…

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GA Aquarium

The morning after the zoo was a little rough as Mom and Zach had to be out of the hotel room before Kye even needed to be awake so he ended up waking up early…which…

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Zoo Atlanta

July was INSANELY busy! We went to St. Augustine, had Blitzen’s ultrasound the day we got back, then left the day after for Atlanta! Zach and Matt (and Mom and Mr. Rusty) had to work…

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22 Weeks Pregnant

Baby Growth: This week Blitzen is 11 inches long (size of a spaghetti squash…whatever that is?!?!) and weighs about 1 lb. He or she now looks like a newborn and has more distinctive lips, eyes,…

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