Boat Watching

Sunday morning we knew we wanted to head over to the St Augustine Outlets to do some shopping. Sadly, they didn’t open until 10 and our child gets up at 7…hello time to kill! I’ve…

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Old Town St. Augustine

Right after Kye got up from his nap we headed to Old Town. Parking is a beast down there but here’s a tip for everyone that so many people don’t know: if it’s after 5…

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St. Augustine Beach and Park

We had a GREAT time at the beach with the Megow family and then came a rough week for me. For sure the most emotional one I’ve had this pregnancy and probably one of the…

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20 Weeks Pregnant

Officially halfway there!!!!!!! Of course the easier half is behind me… Baby Growth: Blitzen is now the length of a banana (from head to butt) so 6 1/2 inches long. He or she is about…

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Family Beach Pics!

Bright and early on our last full day at the beach we took turns getting some family pictures. I LOVE having pictures of my little family and it’s so hard to make that happen…imagine if…

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