First Mommy Solo Beach Getaway!

As a mom it can be tough to really practice self-care and I am AWFUL at relaxing. I have said it time and time again, I just have to be totally and completely out of…

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Lip Tie Procedure: What to Expect with a Frenectomy

Does your infant or toddler need a lip tie procedure? Here’s what you can expect with a frenectomy procedure in up to a 2 year old child. As a parent, we worry about our children…

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Kye’s 12 Year Old Well Check Pediatrician Visit

We had Kye’s 12 year well check up visit at the pediatrician’s office on March 11th. I had originally scheduled the appointment for when Spear was out of school but realized now that Kye is…

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Must See Disney Movies Before a First Visit to Disney World

What are the must see Disney Movies before my first visit to Disney World? When planning a first visit to Walt Disney World a common question I’m asked is, “What movies do my kids need…

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My First Mammogram: What to Expect

What to expect when experience a mammogram for the first time. I’m 36 years old and had the first-time experience of going to get a mammogram. There are certain areas of adulthood that I’ve always…

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