Wild Adventures Water Park

Back on June 11th we had planned to hit up Wild Adventures with the Megow Fam since we had such a great time on our first trip! Sadly some of their very good friends were…

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Kye Monthly Review – May

I know we’re living in July…but in blog world I’m just finishing up with May. I PROMISE the next two weeks you’ll be seeing lots of extra blog posts in order to catch up, I’m…

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Jump ‘N Jacks

Valdosta really is a good place to raise a family, we may be a little college/military town but we’re growing and starting to have a lot more to do for fun! Jump N’ Jacks just…

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18 Weeks Pregnant

I’m literally half asleep while writing this so I hope it all makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚ Baby Growth: This week Blitzen is about 5 1/2 inches long (length of a bell pepper) and weighs 7 oz…but…

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A Little Bit Country…

I’ve realized lately that no matter how much you may resist it – where you live affects who you are. I was raised in Lawrenceville, Ga (outside of Atlanta…to people from around here anywhere semi-near…

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