Blitzen’s First Ultrasound

First off I owe everyone an apology! I know I’ve made a lot of people nervous about this ultrasound since I didn’t post this sooner and I didn’t update facebook…life is busy! We left St…

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Transition to the Big Boy Bed

I’ve been totally promising ya’ll this post for awhile now, and it’s finally here! As all of you know, I’m a big Babywise Mom. I fully believe in every aspect of each of the books…

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17 Weeks Pregnant

While I should be packing for the beach, for Atlanta, or cleaning for my family’s visit…I know that this post each week comes first on my priority list right? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Baby Growth: Poor Blitzen always…

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Prayers Needed

I know everyone has their own personal beliefs and opinions regarding prayer. I, however, believe that God’s Word is the truth and it says in James 5:16 “Therefore confess your sins to each other and…

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What I’m Lovin’ Wednesday!

I’m not going to lie…this has been a VERY emotional, stressful, scary, difficult week. It’s time like these that I’m thankful for Jaime at This Kind of Love for hosting What I Love Wednesday! I…

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