Our 4th Wedding Anniversary

In an effort to push past my negative emotions, I’m moving on to something happier. Also just for those of you keeping track – all the pictures featured in blog entries from Yellow River Game…

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Something Good

I remember hearing adults say that childhood is precious because it’s a time of innocence and joy before adulthood arrives and makes people jaded and hard. I feel like I’ve entered that adulthood age of…

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16 Weeks Pregnant

Sorry it’s a day late – we were at the beach yesterday so I wasn’t able to post my weekly pregnancy update, but I did it the moment we got home ๐Ÿ™‚ Baby Growth: Blitzen…

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A Few Faces

While at the beach and at our dinner Friday night we were waiting a pretty long time for the check so I took the opportunity to capture some shots of Kye. When boredom strikes, whip…

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The Rest of our Beach Trip

I’ve mentioned before how much I LOVE name your own price on priceline.com and, yet again, they didn’t disappoint. We got a GREAT room at a Hampton Inn on the beach for only $90 a…

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