The Rest of our Beach Trip

I’ve mentioned before how much I LOVE name your own price on and, yet again, they didn’t disappoint. We got a GREAT room at a Hampton Inn on the beach for only $90 a…

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Fort Walton Beach and Pool

The morning after Chelsi’s wedding we planned to spend on the beach! We brought ALL our beach stuff and assumed we’d be out there until lunch time…heck we even packed lunch thinking we’d eat out…

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Chelsi’s Wedding

Chelsi and I have known each other for a very long time. We got much closer as we’ve gotten older, especially since she’s Danielle‘s long time bff ๐Ÿ™‚ I was super honored to be invited…

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Visit to the Fire Station

Last year Kye and I went to the fire station (revisit the memories here) with a local mommy group I sometimes do stuff with (actually I haven’t done anything with them in like a year…but…

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Baby Preston Troutman

On Monday night (May 23rd) I planned a girl’s night out. I had been feeling guilty for neglecting ALL my friends during my first trimester and thought I could kill lots of birds with one…

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