15 Weeks Pregnant

Here’s all the wonderful updates about my pregnancy this week! Baby Growth: Blitzen is now about 4 inch long and the size of an apple. He or she is weighing in at about 2 oz…

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Claire’s Wedding Weekend

After our visit to Yellow River Game Ranch we had some time to kill before nap so the boys went for a swim. Our room was GREAT b/c they allowed dogs (hello saving $ on…

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14 Week OBGYN Visit

Man! Not getting an early ultrasound makes these heartbeat appointments so much more exciting. Last time around since I got to see Kye so early on, the heartbeat stuff wasn’t really that awesome. I mean…

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What I’m Lovin’ Wednesday!

I haven’t done one of these in AWHILE but I had a bad day yesterday and like the motivation to think positive…link up at This Kind Of Love to share what you’re loving today! I’m…

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Yellow River Game Ranch

Quite awhile ago a friend of mine gave me Lightroom. I have been WAY too busy to even try to figure it out. I’ve only used photoshop during a course I took in college and…

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