Taylor’s Wedding Weekend

Taylor was my maid of honor and super good friend in high school (and beyond!). OF COURSE when we got her wedding invitation in the mail we planned on going! I loved that Taylor was…

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12 Weeks Pregnant!

I truly do apologize for being MIA this past week. It’s the longest I’ve gone without blogging in forever. I don’t really have a valid excuse (although 3 out of town weddings and 1 week…

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Easter 2011

When I get super behind like this, you get super long blog entries! Easter is a rush-rush-rush kind of thing because it always falls on a Sunday which is already a full day for us.…

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11 Weeks Pregnant

Only one week until I can start baby shopping!!! I’m actually thinking about setting up a registry next week online so I can add things I need as I think of them or as I…

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Decorating Easter Eggs

We kinda forgot about decorating eggs and luckily I remembered about it the day before Easter!!! Oops ๐Ÿ™‚ It was more fun this year than last year and I know it’s one of those things…

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