Help {Nick}Name Our Baby Contest!!!!

Majority of you were not around for my pregnancy with Kye so I’ll fill you in. We do NOT find out about the sex ๐Ÿ™‚ We didn’t know what Kye would be until he was…

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Okay…had a blog error at the WRONG moment haha! I was so pumped to share who won too ๐Ÿ™ I went through each and every comment and checked to make sure no cheating happened and…

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Finding Out About #2

I know everyone is excited for our news and I’ve been getting comment after comment wanting to know MORE. You know me, this pregnancy will not be lacking in details ๐Ÿ™‚ I was planning to…

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What I’m LOVIN’ Wednesday!

I think this will be a weekly thing for me…I sure do love linking up with Jamie @ This Kind of Love to share what I’m loving each week! I’m loving that you all FINALLY…

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10 Exciting Letters!

Kye and I have had the toughest time keeping this a secret but he’s proud to finally be able to announce that he is going to be a… B  I G  B R  O T…

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