VOTE for a New Giveaway!!!

Have you noticed how many followers this little blog of mine now has? Yup – we’re over 90!!! I have known for awhile that I wanted to do something BIG when I hit 100 followers…

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Visit to Atlanta: Part I

Zach had been promising Ryan a visit for a LONG time (he’s a legit lawyer now living in south Florida!) so I decided to go on a girl’s trip the weekend that he was having…

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What I’m LOVIN’ Wednesday!

I’m linking up with my fellow South Georgian, Jamie at This Kind of Love, to share what I’m lovin’ this week! I’m loving that we have an official date to CLOSE on this house!!! After…

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Kye’s 2 Year Professional Pictures

Now that Kye is two we stop with the every-three-months photo shoots (Zach is PUMPED about that!). How often do all of you do photo shoots of your children? I’m thinking one per year around…

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Weaning from the Pacifier

Weaning from the Pacifier Zach and I agreed that once Kye turned two, we’d be getting rid of the pacifier. Yes, he only EVER has had it during night and naps but we still feel…

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