Kye’s Birthday Pre-Nap

Kye turned the BIG 2 on Friday, March 4th. Last year his party was almost a week prior to his actual birthday and this year his party was the day after his birthday. I honestly…

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My {updated} Breastfeeding Story

This is tough for me to write without being repetitive since this blog actually covers EVERY detail of my breastfeeding journey (want to read it? click here, or under the label “breastfeeding”). I actually wrote…

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Kelley’s Breastfeeding Story

Kelley went to high school with Zach and now shares a last name with me so duh I like her ๐Ÿ™‚ She has SUCH a cool job working in the nursery at the hospital (and…

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Becky’s Breastfeeding Story

Becky and I have recently started to get to know each other and I’m SO excited about being friends with her! She has a son a little older than Kye and he’s such a good…

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Je’s Breastfeeding Story

I’m very excited for this next story! It’s great because it helps show TWO generations of breastfeeding moms. Je’ is actually Autumn’s mom (you can read Autumn’s breastfeeding story here). I’m thankful to Je’ for…

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