Crissy’s Breastfeeding Story

For the first Breastfeeding Story of the week here’s Crissy’s story. She is one of my very best friends and was a HUGE help in my own breastfeeding experience! Since she’s nursed three babies (so…

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Mommy Goody Basket Giveaway!

Everyone knows I started this blog as a way to store memories for myself and my family. I do my best to keep up with everything that happens in my life and especially things I…

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Megow Family Fun

If you’re married then you know it’s tough to find other married friends. It’s especially tough to find other married friends, with kids, who are Christians. AND what’s even tougher is finding married Christian parents…

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Mr. Fix-It

Kye is at such a great age as he really enjoys helping! What parent doesn’t love a little helper around the house? Since moving in Zach has had to spend plenty of time fixing things…

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Chalk Fun

For Christmas Jordan (Casey’s boyfriend) bought Kye a HUGE thing of sidewalk chalk. Obviously it’s been too cold to use it and the first chance we got we took it out in the driveway. Kye…

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