Marriage Matters: Communication

The Sunday before Valentine’s Day our church had a lesson on marriage. Mr. John Klimko gave the lesson and provided us with print-outs to take home with us. I wanted to share this print-out with…

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Aflac State Kick-Off!

I love Aflac stuff. It’s always so fun to see everyone and I especially enjoy getting to see Zach up on the stage accepting his awards. He works hard ALL year and it’s fun to…

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I tend to resist change. But the time has come for some blog sprucing so I hope you like all the changes and I hope to only continue to grow and learn in this little…

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Lorelai’s 2nd Birthday!

It’s so neat to me that we’ve been friends with the Mullican family long enough to have gone to two birthday parties! At Lorelai’s party last year I tried to help out by taking a…

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Captain Underpants

While putting away laundry Kye asked me to put on all of his cars underpants. Then, when we finished those, he continued to want on more and more until he ended up like this:  all…

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