Drama at the Playground

Growing up we lived in a nice subdivision, much like the one Zach and I live in now. We had a neighborhood playground, social gatherings, and block parties. My family was very involved in those…

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Kye is 23 Months Old!

For the pictures this month I used images I took but didn’t get a chance to use anywhere else (mostly they are ones I took for my photography class but didn’t submit for critique!) Using…

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Kye Summary of Month 23

I promise I’m still alive ๐Ÿ™‚ I’ve just been very busy….well, busy laying out and enjoying this beautiful weather! It’s been too great outside to be sitting at the computer! Anyway Kye turned 23 months…

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Picking out a Preschool

The time has come (already!) to start thinking about pre-school for Kye. I know. I can’t believe it either! I know many of you out there probably do not agree with mine and Zach’s decision…

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The Flu

Typically whenever “the crud” goes around I’ve never really worried about it. I swear we’re like super-human around here about how rarely we get sick. Zach and I don’t get sick often and Kye’s never…

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