
You’ve read it before, but really read it this time. Are you showing love the way God wants us to show it? 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Love is patient, Love is kind.  It does not envy…

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Ikea Trip #1!

When we first moved into our house at Abbott we went on a HUGE Ikea adventure. I’m hoping someday to find the time to go back and blog about memories from the past and that’s…

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Aflac District Kick-Off

Okay. So everyone knows that Zach, my husband, works for Aflac right? Well did you know just how many people in our lives actually work for Aflac too? Zach’s Dad worked with the company for…

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Proper way to Address Envelopes

I know this is a RANDOM post! I’m organizing my new desk area and finding all sorts of random things. One of which I want to be able to refer back to when needed, and…

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Valdosta Bridal Show

A couple weekends ago I got a call from Casey (on a Friday night) asking if I wanted to go to the Bridal Show (that next day). Can you BELIEVE that I didn’t have any…

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