
Last year we waited a loooooong time to open our stockings and this year we did the same thing! My “plan” for the stockings is to open them after we eat breakfast at Big Daddy’s…

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First House Visitors!

Several of our friends have been by to see the house prior to us moving in but it’s been fun to have our close friends over during the un-packing phase. Each person who has been…

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Photography Workshop: Class 1

Several years ago when Courtney got married I remember meeting her photographer and instantly liking him. He said my nose ring was hott and, duh, flattery works ๐Ÿ™‚ Once Zach and I started talking to…

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The Many Faces of Cookie Eating

I’ve always been told that I have an expressive face. That you can read my emotions just by looking at me. Kye also has many different expressions and I love it. As a mom anything…

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Kye Summary of Month 22 and 22 Months Old!

This month of Kye’s life was awhile ago and also took place during a major move, a major surgery, and the holidays. Poor kid got neglected when it came to writing down things, taking pictures,…

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