Goals for 2011

I know we’re nearing February so that means I only have 11 months to accomplish all my goals for this year, I’d better get on it! These are, of course, in very random order: Take…

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2010 in Pictures

I enjoyed doing this last year and want to make it a yearly thing! It’s always fun to look back over the year and see how we’ve changed and the good times we’ve had together.…

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Year End Review – 2010

You probably thought I forgot, am I right? Each year I like to start the year off with a list of goals for myself for that year. What’s the point of making goals if you…

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New Year’s Eve

I woke up on New Year’s Eve in my same bed but in a new house ๐Ÿ™‚ It was pretty exciting!!! I was hoping to sleep in and start feeling better but when you have…

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Moving Day

Dec 30th was the BIG move. I had been mentally counting down for that day. I was tired of living in a million boxes. Tired of taking load after load to the new house. Tired…

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