On The Day Before Christmas

The morning of the 24th Zach was already feeling better from his surgery the day prior. His back was pain free but he was also on a ton of meds so I didn’t have my…

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While Daddy Had Surgery…

When we took the kids downtown for pictures Robyn asked what we planned on doing with Kye the day of Zach’s surgery. My plan had been for Mom to keep him at the house before…

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Downtown Decorations

I love that our church is located in Downtown Valdosta…it may not be Atlanta or some big city but it’s a cute little downtown area. They decorate it so pretty at Christmas and I thought…

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Christmas Parties: Mema’s and Church

Sometime around the holiday season (do dates even matter at this point?) we all got together at Mema’s house to celebrate Christmas with her and fill up on yummy chili and spaghetti! Here’s some highlights…

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B’s Graduation

SO proud of my brother for graduating from college last month! Sure, I wish it was from FSU instead of UF but I do have to admit, it’s a good school. AND he graduate cum…

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