Thanks Grandpa and Grammie!

About a week before Christmas I got several packages at the door so I figured they were just some stuff I had ordered but had forgotten about (hey, it happens). One of the gifts was…

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Christmas with Katie

As you know, it’s been a crazy time around here lately. I’m thankful that during all the rush we were stay able to take time out to get together with Katie to celebrate the holidays!…

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Picking out a Gift for Daddy

I really, really enjoy holiday shopping. I typically shop for Christmas ALL year round. You really do find the best deals that way (but you also ending up finding too many good deals and over-spending)!…

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Sisters Night Out

For my birthday Courtney got me a gift card to get my nails done at the best place in town (Nails by Chris over by Publix). We waited for Casey to be in town before…

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Christmas Card Roll Call!

We got SO many Christmas cards this year! I always love getting them but this year each card was even more special to me. Since we didn’t get to do much decorating for Christmas I…

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