Prayers for Zach

Do you readers even begin to know how important you are to me? It’s currently 11:39 and I have to get up at 5:15 but what am I doing? Writing a blog entry to you…

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Here’s the latest progress on the house! Everyday a little more gets done so it’s even closer to being completed when you read this than these pictures reflect ๐Ÿ™‚ making it official on Nov 6th…

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Wordless Wednesday: Crib Chillin’

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it sure ain’t pretty but at least it’s up ;)

After picking out our little tree we headed home to get it decorated before Kye went to bed. With all of our stuff in storage at Mrs. Charlotte’s we just grabbed a couple boxes of…

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Picking out a Little Tree

Even though we may not be doing much decorating for Christmas this year (all our stuff is in storage, as is Mom’s and with the move it just doesn’t make sense to bother) we still…

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