Kye is 21 Months Old!

For this month’s pictures, I am again using ones I took at the new house. How could I resist? They are too cute! When we were over talking to the landscape guy Kye couldn’t stop…

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Summary of Month 21

Does it just feel like I wrote a monthly post? I guess because I did! At least I’m catching up, I’m proud of myself ๐Ÿ™‚ Words: Kye says everything he did last month and has…

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New House Plants

I met with the landscape guy at the house and they are starting landscaping on Monday. Included in our deal with Steve for the house is only a certain amount of plants and such. His…

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Crossing it off the “Bucket List!”

Growing up I always have had two things I have wanted to do with my dad before we die. I know that’s random (but I’m sure everyone has “bucket list” type things right?) but I…

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This year we traveled to Vero Beach to celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the holiday we do every year with my family (Zach is hardcore about his Parker Christmas traditions so we do that every year…

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