
This year we traveled to Vero Beach to celebrate Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is the holiday we do every year with my family (Zach is hardcore about his Parker Christmas traditions so we do that every year…

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Toy Story 3

When Kye first started potty training I read that it’s a good idea to give them toy catalogs to look through while on the potty. Luckily Toys R Us had just sent out their big…

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Congenital Anosmia

When I was in the third grade I started to go through the typical tween puberty changes and had some pretty bad B.O. Mom tried and tried to get me to wear deodorant but I…

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Cade’s Birthday

The day after Devan’s wedding we got to see Javon and Dawn again at their son’s birthday party! Cade turned 2 and he is all about some Mickey so they had a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse…

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Devan’s Wedding

On Saturday Nov. 13th, Zach and I had the privilege of attending Devan’s wedding! Devan was good friends with Zach’s sister, Casey, when they were growing up and I met her at Georgia Bible Camp…

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