
Robyn got hooked up with some free tickets to the circus and she invited Kye and I to come along! I have great memories of going to the circus with Mom and Brandon as a…

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Hunting that perfect Pumpkin

With the way Aflac trips work out (the state trip being 1-2 weeks prior to the national one), I think pumpkins are always going to be tricky figure out. Last year we had the same…

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Cabinets and Counter-tops

On Friday, Oct 15th, the day I was most nervous about had arrived! We had to be at the cabinet and counter-top place at 7:30 in the morning so Kye spent the night with Big…

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Corn Maze Fun

Robyn had off of school on the first Monday after the big move so we decided to take the kids to the corn maze (that playgroup thing I’m a member of was going so we…

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Our New Home So Far…

I know everyone is ready for a house update and after my venting post yesterday you deserve it ๐Ÿ˜‰ So here is a time line of what’s happened so far on the new house! (and…

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