Our New Home So Far…

I know everyone is ready for a house update and after my venting post yesterday you deserve it ๐Ÿ˜‰ So here is a time line of what’s happened so far on the new house! (and…

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Break Down…

I am very far behind in blogging, I realize this. And I realize that half of what I want to vent about you blog readers don’t even know yet because I’m living in today and…

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Welcome Home Gramma!

As you all know, life around our house the past couple of months has been pretty insane. It’s not only been crazy for our little family of three but it’s been nuts for Mom as…

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Kye is 19 Months Old!

Kye is 19 Months Old! For this months breakdown of where Kye compares to the “norm” for his age from What to Expect The Toddler Years, I’m using more pictures from our fun time at…

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Summary of Month 19

I’ve been behind in the past but never anything like this! I hate that I’m writing this less than a week before he’s due for another post about the summary of month 20. Oh well,…

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