Jamaica: Sun & Mon

When we first found out Danielle’s wedding date Zach wasn’t too pleased. It turned out that the day she got married (Oct 2nd) was also the day we were set to leave for Jamaica on…

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The Butler Wedding Reception

It was so cool pulling up to the reception in a hummer limo! We got out and I was in awe at how beautiful the place looked. It was a reception out of a magazine,…

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Wedding Ceremony!

Zach was so sweet to come meet me before the ceremony to take my camera for me! It made me feel good because he said I looked great and that was my goal ๐Ÿ™‚ He…

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Gettin’ Weddin’ Ready!

After getting my nails all beautiful with Rachael (which I truly ENJOYED having them painted btw…I felt so “grown up” haha) she dropped me off at the hair salon with the other bridesmaids and beautiful…

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A Night with Rach and Greg!

Back when I was in town for all the fun pre-wedding stuff Rachael offered up her house for us to stay with them during the actual wedding weekend. Wasn’t that so nice? It saved us…

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