Arguing in Front of the Kids

Recently I posted a blog entry about friendship that I read in a parenting magazine…well here’s another blog-worthy article for ya! This one is actually pretty current (from Parents magazine, the August 2010 issue) and…

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Letter to future pregnant self

Recently someone went and commented on a picture of me on facebook from when I was 9 months pregnant which made it show up on my notifications (thanks Kim! haha). At the time the picture…

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First Family FSU Game!

For our anniversary last year Zach told me as one of our presents that we’d be going to the FSU/UF game in the 2010 football season! I was THRILLED as it’s always been something I’ve…

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Megow Girls Visit

Isn’t it a blessing when someone does you a favor and you can pay them one back? The day after Crissy watched Kye for us she had her 6 week post pardum appointment so I…

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Play Day at the Megows

It’s such a blessing to have good friends who you can count on when you’re in a bind and need someone to watch your kid ๐Ÿ˜‰ Of course, Mrs. Charlotte is wonderful about keeping Kye…

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