Wedding Shower for Danielle #2!

After the fun family shower that morning and staying up so late with Casey the night before I was EXHAUSTED but still pumped for the couple’s shower for Danielle and Jonathan that night. Between showers,…

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Stella & Dot: Announcement and GIVEAWAY!!!

After much research and thought I’ve decided to become a Stella & Dot stylist! It’s a fun way to get to have lots of girl time with friends and earn free jewelry for myself and…

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Danielle’s Family Wedding Shower

Last Saturday morning I got up super early at Casey’s to get ready to go. I was ready to walk out the door and went to put on my wedding ring when I couldn’t find…

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Kennesaw Visit

I knew with Danielle’s upcoming wedding that I’d be making a couple trips up to Atlanta so I talked to Casey about staying with her in Kennesaw. Last Friday morning I drove up early and…

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Kye is 18 Months Old!

18 months old…are you kidding me?!?! I can’t get over it! Here’s what Kye looked like a year ago…this is one of my favorite Kye pictures ever ๐Ÿ™‚ I took the pictures for this month’s…

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