Kye’s Lowndes Football Game

As many of you may remember from my post last year about high school football, it’s a BIG deal around here. Have you ever seen the show Friday Night Lights? Well, it could totally be…

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Petsmart: Valdosta’s Zoo

Valdosta doesn’t have a zoo (unless you want to pay like $40 to go to Wild Adventures, no thanks) so Kye and I made Petsmart our own zoo. He had fun and I felt like…

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Learning Time

As I mentioned in my post about Kye’s new schedule, I have been feeling a lot of guilt lately over my parenting. I know that many of you think I’m hardcore but I wasn’t feeling…

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Wordless Wednesday: Levi Kisses

Is there anything more adorable than a boy with his dog? Seriously? Kye loves some Levi Kisses ๐Ÿ™‚

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Kye’s First Movie Date

Sometimes I forget to post on things (I know I’m pretty organized so this surprises me when it happens)…The week prior to our beach trip with Matt and Robyn I heard about the local movie…

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