Fire Station Visit

As a stay at home mom sometimes it’s tough to find things to do. Especially since, duh, I don’t want to be going by myself with my kid all the time to things! Luckily, I…

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Beating the Heat

While we live in Georgia it’s a totally different world down here than it was when I lived up near Atlanta. The heat in the summers is suffocating. It’s beyond hot. It’s sweltering. It’s the…

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Neela’s 1st Birthday Party

We love the Megow family and Kye loves both of their girls! He always has a super fun time playing with them but I think he likes Neela the best probably out of all of…

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Ring Shopping

Blending families is always a tricky thing and it was a kinda rough transition for awhile when I became a Parker. Casey (his younger sister) and I had our catty, silly type drama issues. She…

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Kye’s First Legit Haircut

Wayyyyyyyy back in February I gave Kye his first haircut. It was more of a trim but it counted ๐Ÿ™‚ Since then I’ve been trying to get Zach to let us get him a real…

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