St. Augustine: Day 1

Zach introduced me to St. Augustine back when we were in our early dating days and somehow it became our tradition to go there every year for the 4th of July. When we were engaged…

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Emily Luck

Growing up I always considered myself to have BAD luck but as I’ve become an adult and Christian and realize all the blessings I have in my life I now know that I don’t have…

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Dropping The Morning Nap

As you know, I LOVE the Babywise Book Series. LOVE THEM!!! Toddlerwise has been a great resource for me since Kye officially enter the world of Toddler living. I love how the books are all…

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Twlight Night: Eclipse

Call me a nerd all you want but I enjoy the Twilight books and when I first read them I was border-line obsessed with the idea of being a vampire ๐Ÿ™‚ I love that they…

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Sunday Routine

When I was pregnant I asked people for advice all the time and the one piece of advice that always pops back in my mind actually came from Rachael. It’s not really about parenting but it was…

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