First Family Golf Outing

There were just TOO many pictures to fit in the Father’s Day post so I had to devote an entire entry to our fun afternoon out at the golf course. Zach loves to golf and…

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First Wordless Wednesday

Because I know Mom and I need a good laugh today and maybe more of you do too ๐Ÿ™‚

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Father’s Day

This year for Mother’s Day Zach (and Kye) gave me an “Emily Day” filled with all the things they knew I would enjoy. So….I stole the idea ๐Ÿ™‚ For Father’s Day we had a day…

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Bits of Summer

Summers are always filled with lots of fun things and good times together with friends. So far this summer has been all of that and more for us…having a toddler is just SO fun and…

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In Honor of Tripp

By now anyone who reads this blog has heard about sweet baby Tripp’s journey to Heaven. You have probably also been reading Rachael’s blog and keeping her and her family in your prayers. Please continue…

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