House News

I’m interrupting my regular chronological order of blog entries to update all you faithful followers on our house situation. I have put a couple statuses on Facebook about it and I know you’re just dying…

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15 Months Old!

Here is what Kye has been up to this month in compared with What to Expect the Toddler Years. I love having a reference point to refer to just to see where Kye is compared…

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Summary of Month 15

This monthly post won’t be as picture heavy as usual. I’m doing a better job with my goal of posting more throughout the month and not saving it all for one big post at the…

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Nightly Snack

I thought this post would fit well right here since I just got done saying how hard I work to feed Kye healthy foods. ๐Ÿ™‚  I credit Weight Watchers for helping me lose all my…

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Feeding a Toddler

When a child turns one soooo many things just seem to get easier. Whole milk – much less stressful than breastfeeding or even formula feeding. Naps and night time sleep – still vital but if…

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