Slippin’ and a Slidin’

The weekend when I went up to Atlanta with Crissy to show our support for Rachael and family we had, as usual, already had plans. Saturday was Mrs. Charlotte’s Day. For Mother’s Day we all…

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House News

I’m interrupting my regular chronological order of blog entries to update all you faithful followers on our house situation. I have put a couple statuses on Facebook about it and I know you’re just dying…

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15 Months Old!

Here is what Kye has been up to this month in compared with What to Expect the Toddler Years. I love having a reference point to refer to just to see where Kye is compared…

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Summary of Month 15

This monthly post won’t be as picture heavy as usual. I’m doing a better job with my goal of posting more throughout the month and not saving it all for one big post at the…

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Nightly Snack

I thought this post would fit well right here since I just got done saying how hard I work to feed Kye healthy foods. ๐Ÿ™‚  I credit Weight Watchers for helping me lose all my…

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