The Next Tiger

For those of you who don’t know us personally…my husband is one of those people who is annoyingly good at sports. As in ANY sport. Yes, he was a very good football player but he…

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Emily Day!

For Mother’s Day Zach and Kye gave me the ultimate “Emily Day!” Zach had the WHOLE day planned out for me last Saturday and it was ALL about ME! Who wouldn’t love that for a…

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Anniversary Trips

I have loved to travel my entire life! Over the years Zach has learned to love travel as well and we enjoy packing as many vacations as we can into our agendas ๐Ÿ™‚ Since our…

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New Fun at the Park

Now that Kye’s full fledged walking I was excited to take him to our neighborhood park to see how he’d play on the playground. I thought he’d be running like a wild man but instead…

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Cookout at Katie’s

After Katie’s housewarming party we really all wanted to get together so we made it happen! She hosted a cookout at her house this past Tuesday night and it was a great time! I got…

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