Britt School Summary: Fall 2020

Britt is rocking out in third grade! Out of all my kids she had the TOUGHEST time with the shut down during the spring and was THE most thankful to be back to in-person school…

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Kye School Summary: Fall 2020

Kye started his first year of middle school in the fall of 2020! So far he is LOVING 6th grade. I heard a lot about how tough the transition is from elementary to middle school.…

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2020 Year End Review

Year End Review for 2020 Whew. Praise the LORD that 2020 is BEHIND US. At the start of each year, I like to go over my goals from the year prior to see how I…

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Easy STEM Activities for Preschoolers

This guest post is all about STEM Activities that a non-science-y parent can do with their preschoolers or young children! I love to create learning activities with my kids but I’m not great at coming…

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2020 In Pictures

Well. 2020 was a YEAR! I love putting together this blog post each year as a nice recap. If you’re new here this is a great place to start and to get to know us…

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