Mother-Daughter Luncheon Speech

A couple year’s ago I helped out with our church’s Mother-Daughter Luncheon on Mother’s Day weekend. I did the opening prayer and I was SUPER nervous about it! It ended up being a great day…

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14 Months Old!

Here’s what Kye’s up to compared to what the book What to Expect the Toddler Years says is “normal” for a 14 month old: This month Kye can do all the things a 14 month…

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Summary of Month 14

I know I’m behind on this, but aren’t I always??? This past month has been rough with sicknesses and rashes but we still managed to make some memories and Kye still had plenty of changes…

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Movin’ to Roomtime

Since my Babywise days I’ve been a big believer in independent playtime. While I don’t feel like I structure Kye’s awake time enough, independent playtime is something I’ve stuck very religiously too and I already…

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Naked Cowboy

Who doesn’t love a naked cowboy? Each night after Kye’s bath he’s become obsessed with climbing up on his bouncy turtle for a ride! (These were taken while he was still getting over the rash…so…

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