Delayed Easter Weekend

Since Uncle Spear passed away right before Easter we decided to temporarily skip the holiday so we could be with my family. I’m SO thankful we made that choice and so glad that we were…

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Amelia Island

Every year Zach’s state territory for Aflac hosts two trips for agents to qualify for: one is a driving trip and one is a flying one. This year’s driving trip was to Amelia Island. Neither…

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Our Climbing Man

Seeing how much Kye climbs now I can’t even begin to imagine the trouble we are in for once he actually starts walking!!! And yes, I know that this climbing thing isn’t the safest thing…

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13 Months Old!

Yup, we’re now in What to Expect the Toddler Years! I love that it follows the same format so nothing big has changed there. This month Kye has been pretty cuddly and loving and fun…

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Summary of Month 13

I’ve decided to continue to monthly update trend for at least the next year until the individual months stop counting! Here’s what’s been going on with Kye the first month of his 2nd year! Stroller:…

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