Uncle Spear

Yesterday at about 3:00 I got “the call.” Like my dad put it, Uncle Spear beat the disease before it beat him. He had ALS (you can read more about his situation here) and it…

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Disappointing Day

Do you ever have stuff planned that you are SUPER pumped about?!? For weeks now I’ve been looking forward to this past weekend and all the fun stuff we had planned. On Saturday I had…

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If any of you have a blog or a Facebook account then you know that I LOVE to comment! I’m a commenting queen haha! Doesn’t it just brighten your day to see a comment on…

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25 Years Old = Wrinkles :(

When editing the pictures from the wedding I noticed something that made me sad. Yup, I have my first wrinkles ๐Ÿ™ They are at the corners of my eyes when I smile. Is that called…

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Church Egg Hunt

I’ve been looking forward to our church egg hunt for a couple of weeks now. Of course, I assumed Kye would be walking to hunt the eggs but still! We decorated the eggs for the…

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