Church Egg Hunt

I’ve been looking forward to our church egg hunt for a couple of weeks now. Of course, I assumed Kye would be walking to hunt the eggs but still! We decorated the eggs for the…

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Coloring Eggs and Smokin’ Pigs

As I’ve posted before, we’re working on staying in town more often and doing family things some on weekends! This past Saturday was one of those nice days where we didn’t have anything major going…

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“Emily Parker Experience”

Every time I mention Seth and Crissy on the blog I always put a link to their blog but it’s NEVER updated. Like it’s always the lowest on my list of “blogs I follow.” But…

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Preview of Summer

It seems like it’s been cold here FOREVER!!! On the one hand it’s nice because it’ll be 100 degrees everyday before we know it. On the other hand though,  I spent good money and went…

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Kye the Photographer

Kye’s old enough now to understand something is up when I pull out my camera. I can usually snap a couple of shots of him before he comes crawling like a little demon towards me…

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