Prayers for Becky Stimpson
Doesn’t it ALWAYS seem like horrible things happen to the best people? I read lots and lots (as you can see on my sidebar) of blogs and will stumble across ones all the time about…
View PostDoesn’t it ALWAYS seem like horrible things happen to the best people? I read lots and lots (as you can see on my sidebar) of blogs and will stumble across ones all the time about…
View PostI think I am the QUEEN at forgetting that babies change! I just always forget that things can’t stay the same with Kye because he’s growing and as he gets older I have to adjust…
View PostYup, we’re off track again! They wanted us to come in the day after the the wedding but we knew that wasn’t possible so the next closest appointment date to Kye’s actual birthday was St.…
View PostBack in November we had a tough time during the time change. It was a hard switch which you can read about here. I had heard that this time change would be an easier adjustment…
View PostThe Saturday after the wedding (I know, I know I’m super behind!) we met with Autumn (be sure to check out her site, she does great work and the site has several pictures of us…
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