2020 In Pictures

Well. 2020 was a YEAR! I love putting together this blog post each year as a nice recap. If you’re new here this is a great place to start and to get to know us…

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Monthly Family Recap: December 2020

Monthly Family Recap from December 2020 I think EVERYONE was eager for 2020 to come to an end and to have the fresh start that 2021 would hopefully bring for us all. I felt that…

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Spear’s 3rd Birthday Letter {From Daddy}

Spear’s 3rd Birthday Letter {From Daddy} Spear, My little buddy is 3!!!!! You could not be more perfect. This year has been so awesome to get to spend so much time with you. With Covid…

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New Year’s Eve 2020

New Year’s Eve 2020 I love that our yearly post-Christmas tradition is to just CHILL. We spend Christmas break at home just hanging out, enjoying the new gifts the kids have received and spending time…

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Christmas Day 2020

Celebrating Christmas Day on December 25th, 2020. Now that the little ones are getting a bit older it was so nice not to be getting up at the crack of dawn this year for Christmas…

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