Exciting Mail!

I’ve been practically standing by the mailbox waiting every day for the past couple of days! Danielle text me for my address so I’ve been eagerly awaiting what I’d hoped would be something exciting…and it…

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Wedding Weekend: Getaway Car

One of my favorite parts when we watch our wedding video is seeing all of our wedding party decorate our car. I know that sounds lame but I really was SO happy to see how…

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Wedding Weekend: Reception

By the time we got McDonalds and then got to the Kingfish Grill Kye was passed out! Poor thing was so sleepy! We decided that I would go ahead and go in (the reception started…

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Wedding Weekend: Ceremony

Again, SO thankful I had Susi use my camera! I got to see stuff I missed since I was back in the back waiting to come out! About a week or so before the wedding…

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Wedding Weekend: Pre-Ceremony

We all met at the Casa Monica Hotel for pictures. Zach dropped Mom and I off and went to find parking (of course it just so happened to be bike week and spring break and…

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