12 Months Old!

WOW Kye’s 1!!! This is the last post I’ll have from What to Expect the First Year. Yes, I’ve purchased What to Expect the Toddler Years and plan to continue on with the monthly updates!…

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Summary of Month 12

So I didn’t do so great on one of my goals last month…my kid is still sporting the diaper-only look in most of these pics! I swear someday I’ll start making him get dressed every…

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So DUH I’m totally a trendsetter ๐Ÿ™‚ Here I am all upset all the time feeling like I’m the only person in the WORLD (well at least in my circles of friends) that has a…

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Finding the Words…

Obviously I haven’t posted much this week. Since the wedding I’ve been battling with what to write. I consider this blog my own personal journal and I have always been proud of myself for keeping…

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More Birthday Fun!

After the crazy busy wedding weekend it feels like Kye’s birthday was months ago! Last week was one of those go-go-go weeks and I’m thankful that we were able to take time out to enjoy…

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