Kye’s 1st Birthday Party

One of the things I really wanted to do during Kye’s party was make sure there were pictures taken of everyone who came! I did pretty good at this and only missed getting a picture…

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Monkey Party Decor

Zach and I worked hard on this party and I want to remember every little detail of it! Instead of taking the time in this post to describe how I made each thing or where…

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My First Not Me Monday…Birthday Party Style!

We all know I’m the type-A-personality-everything-has-to-be-perfect type mom. So I would never even have anything to write for a Not-Me-Monday post right? Not me! While setting up for Kye’s party I would NEVER let him…

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Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning

A good number of people seem to be coming to Kye’s party on Saturday…and several of them have never seen our house. Typically when people come over I straighten everything up, dust off the dark…

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Has anyone close to you passed away? If not you’ve been blessed but if so then I think you can relate to what I’ve gone through since Nana passed away in August. I’ve ALWAYS believed…

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