Tough Morning

So I’ve spent most of the day feeling a little down. Some days are just like that aren’t they? My dad called this morning, which was a nice surprise. We don’t get a chance to…

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Why Is It?

Why is it that I can snap ONE picture of Zach with Kye and it’s PERFECT? Yet Zach can take six of me and not get ONE that compares?                 …

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Best Valentine’s Day Ever!

Seriously, this was my best one ever!!! So yes, it’s a LONG post to go along with my GREAT day! We started out the morning by going to church and Kye got to take a…

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Lock Up Your Daughters

When Kye and I went shopping last week I saw a shirt I couldn’t resist! It was PERFECT for him to wear to Seth and Crissy’s Saturday!      Isn’t that too cute? And don’t…

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Great Date Experiment Date 1

If you didn’t see my earlier post, here is a link to the Great Date Experiment that Zach and I are participating in! Since we had free babysitters (post to come!) we went on our…

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