Snow in Valdosta

ALL day on Friday EVERYONE on Facebook was super pumped for snow in Valdosta. I didn’t get my hopes up. Hellllo we live in SOUTH GEORGIA. Snow? Doubtful! We had Robyn, Matt and Lorelai over…

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Oops Outfit

We’ve all done it I’m sure (I think?!?). We buy something thinking it’s cute at the time then realize it’s well…totally NOT cute! I do a LOT of online shopping, especially on Ebay. I search…

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Adventures at the Indoor Playground

While Zach was out of town last week (he DROVE to Texas! DROVE!) Kye and I enjoyed running lots of errands. I had $120 worth of New York and Company gift cards that I got…

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My Parenting “Motto”

In the Babywise Blog I follow she mentions her parenting motto quite often. Her’s is: “start as you plan to go on.” I like that one and I do think about that often. Should I…

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While Daddy is Away…

While Daddy is away lots of things change around our house… Mommy doesn’t keep things quite as clean   She often gets bored so we go play or do some shopping   LOTS of shopping…

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